Christmas tree production process

Author:Guanmei Glass Art-Glass Decoration Suppliers

The Christmas tree really appeared at Christmas. It was first seen in Germany, and then spread to Europe and the United States, becoming an indispensable decoration for Christmas. They usuallyuse colorful lights, wax, gifts or angels, for Christmas .especially in thenorthwestern living people, because the local rich forest resources, they will go to pick the trees as a real tree together with the whole family. Every tree is hung on theSAN marvelous decorations, but every tree must have a big star at thetop of every tree, which symbolizes the star that led to find Jesus. Regarding the decoration of Christmas trees, it seems that the decoration of Christmas trees is similar all over the world. Since Christmas is in winter, the Christmas trees are all evergreens. Most of them are small palm trees or small pine trees four or five feet high, planted in large flower pots, covered with colorful small candles or small electric lights, and then hung with various decorations and ribbons, as well as children's toys, and gifts from family members. After decorating, put it in a corner of the living room. If it is placed in a church, auditorium, or public place, the Christmas tree is relatively tall, and gifts can also be placed under the tree. Christmas tree production process: PVC tape ---→Tape slitting ---→Four-knife leaf puller ---→cut leaves---→Tree hitting machine + tree binding machine ---→Manual + machine assembly of branches, pine cones, etc. ---→Packaging finished product Christmas rattan production process: Raw materials of pine needles ---→Silk weaving machine ---→Two-knife leaf puller ---→cut leaves---→Rattan machine ---→Pine needle tree production process: Pine needle raw material ---→Pine needle manual cutter ---→Two-color pine needle leaf puller---→Pine needle shaping machine stereotypes ---→Cut pine needles ---→Tree hitting machine + tree binding machine ---→Assembling the bent branch ---→Finished pine needle tree packaging.


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