In foreign countries, what happens to the Christmas tree after Christmas?

Author:Guanmei Glass Art-Glass Decoration Suppliers

There are Christmas markets in many places in Europe. Otherwise, large supermarkets, building materials markets, or furniture stores sell them. For example, at IKEA, you can even choose and place an order in advance and then pick it up. Most of them are real trees, although you can also buy plastic ones in supermarkets. You can also choose it on the spot when you buy it, and it is usually priced according to the height. The yellow label in Tuli sells for about 15-20 euros in France. Christmas trees aren't usually perfectly tapered, unlike the sky-high fake trees you get at the mall, they're usually just a bunch of them. Because practically a perfectly spindle shaped tree is very difficult to decorate, you need to have those sticking out branches to hang what you have and what you don't. It can be left for about a month, and then the needles will start to drop. It is very troublesome to clean it every day. After the holidays, in France, every urban street in France will have a special Christmas tree throwing point for you. Throw it there and the garbage disposal company will come. Take it away.


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